Agility Fundamentals Agility is a great activity to build on your relationship and engagement with your canine companion! Whether you want to do agility just for fun or to compete, your foundation is the first important step of the journey.
Level One:
Working “on the flat” - communication between obstacles
The start-line stay
The pause table
Proprioception exercises
Introduction to
Weave poles - age appropriate
Jumps - age appropriate
Contacts - The safety zone on contact obstacles
Prerequisite Intermediate Level course or evaluation 6 sessions and 299.00*
Level Two:
Systematically increase challenges for the start-line stay
Systematically increase challenges for the pause table
More challenging proprioception exercises
Six weave poles - age appropriate
Jumps - age appropriate
Increase challenges for contacts
Begin Left and Right directional cues
Tunnel entries
Prerequisite Fundamentals Level One or evaluation 8 sessions and 419.00*
"The variety of training she offers has allowed my dogs to work on multiple skills and to build more complex behaviors. My dogs have worked on basic manners, Pilates, Rally obedience, tricks, and behavior chains. And we keep coming back for more!” ~Mary KPA-CTP (2024)